Lifely achieves an important milestone!

Lifely è stata riconosciuta come “KEY INNOVATOR” nel progetto di Ricerca e Innovazione FNS-CLOUD, un’iniziativa europea finanziata nell’ambito del programma HORIZON2020. Questo progetto mira ad integrare una vasta gamma di dati riguardanti la salute dei consumatori, l’agricoltura sostenibile e la bioeconomia in una soluzione cloud unificata. Grazie a questo approccio, siamo riusciti a colmare alcune lacune di conoscenza che attualmente limitano lo sviluppo di politiche agricole e di salute pubblica efficaci.

Thanks to the technology Lifely provided within the project, and the use of the Tomappo app, a digital gardening assistant that enables anyone to grow their own vegetables, our innovation was included in INNOVATION RADAR, a European Commission initiative aimed at identifying and promoting innovations in research and development projects that receive EU funding.

FNS-CLOUD’s project

FNS-Cloud, an acronym for Food Nutitrition Security Cloud, aims to overcome fragmentation problems by integrating existing FNS data, which are essential for high-level pan-European research on food, diet, health, consumer behavior, sustainable agriculture, and the bioeconomy. The current fragmentation of FNS resources not only results in knowledge gaps that prevent public health, agricultural policy and the food industry from developing effective solutions, making production sustainable and consumption healthier, but also does not allow FNS knowledge to be exploited for the benefit of European citizens.

The FNS-Cloud project, through three demonstrators, which are Agribusiness, Nutrition and Lifestyle, and NCD and Microbiome, will facilitate:

analysis of regional and national differences in diet, including nutrition, (epi)genetics, microbiota, consumer behaviors, culture and lifestyle and their effects on health (obesity, NCD, ethnic and traditional foods), which are essential for public health and food and health policies;
a better understanding of agricultural differences within Europe and their significance in terms of creating sustainable and resilient food systems for healthy diets;
a clear definition of boundaries and how they affect food composition and consumer choices and, ultimately, personal and public health in the future.

The long-term sustainability of FNS-Cloud will be based on services that have the ability to connect with new resources and enable cross communication between them; access to FNS-Cloud data will be open access, supported by FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) principles.

FNS-Cloud will work closely with the proposed Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure (FNHRI), as well as with METROFOOD-RI and other existing ESFRI RIs (e.g. ELIXIR, ECRIN) in which several FNS-Cloud grantees are directly involved.

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